Custom Foot Orthotics

Orthotics are a great way to help with issues related to walking and alignment. Some of these include but are not limited to knee, foot and lower back pain. The need for orthotics is often related to an issue with the natural functioning of the foot. Orthotics will often help to realign the bones within the foot and ankle and therefore take pressure of other parts of the body such as the back, neck, shoulders and hips. In addition, orthotics will help with distributing your weight properly and take further pressure off of toes, bunions and other parts of the foot.

Orthotics are really for anyone with an issue or discomfort relating to walking or imbalances in the body that are known to cause related pain. The great benefit of orthotics is that they can be worn on a daily basis and be utilized during most activities to take further stress of the body.

Orthotics can often be prescribed by your chiropractor and can last well over a year in most cases. This is a great investment into your overall health and well being via a biomechanical standpoint.

Ask Us About Getting Yourself Started With Orthotics Today!


Total Body Wellness 

We specialize in products that are designed to improve your quality of life. From our individually designed Custom Stabilizing Orthotics , to our customized  footwear and support pillows  – we want you to live pain free and healthy.

We can improve your overall health by supporting your foundation. The feet are the foundation of the body. They support you when you stand, walk, or run. Feet also help protect your spine, bones, and soft tissues from stress as you move.

By stabilizing and balancing your feet, Foot Levelers orthotics enhance your body’s performance and efficiency, reduce pain, and contribute to your total body wellness. Our orthotics complement your healthcare professional’s treatment when you stand, walk, and live your life in balance.


The Difference - Stabilizing Orthotics vs. Arch Supports


If your feet don't get proper support from your footwear, simple movements such as walking, running, and jumping can eventually pull your body out of alignment, causing stress and fatigue to your lower body. Devices commonly known as arch supports are highly recommended as they are designed to reinforce your feet, saving you from the pain and discomfort of a misaligned body.

The feet are the most abused parts of the human body. From regular activities such as walking and running to more intense actions such as dancing and playing sports, the feet consistently absorb the force generated by body weight and gravity combined. And without proper support, your feet will be overwhelmed by the constant stress. This will lead to arch pain or plantar fasciitis–a very common condition affecting the plantar fascia that can be difficult to treat if not looked after properly.

Other conditions you may develop from unsupported arches include: low back pain, neck pain, hip pain, and ankle pain.

To ensure that your feet stay in good form, inserting arch supports on top of each shoe's insole is often recommended by over-the-counter manufacturers. However, it's important to note that not all arch support inserts are made the same. Most arch support insoles, especially over-the-counter arch support for flat feet, are designed to only assist a single arch on each foot. Such generic products often overcorrect one arch, causing more harm than good as discomfort will only shift from one area of the body to another. Furthermore, over-the-counter products may not be very durable, and may result in more costs due to frequent replacement.

Here at Foot Levelers, we recognize the fact that there are three arches that form the plantar vault, and that all three need orthotic reinforcement to properly support the rest of your body. This is why we offer individually designed Stabilizing Orthotics based on digital images or impressions of your feet. This ensures that our products are tailored to your specific stabilizing needs for longer-term symptom relief. 

Even better, our Stabilizing Orthotics are created using our patented Gait Cycle System®. This ensures your feet are provided with adequate shock absorption and support through each phase of the gait cycle.

Ensure better posture and support chiropractic adjustments by getting orthotics made specially for you. If for any reason you are not satisfied with our products, we offer a 100-percent money back guarantee. 

Aside from providing products for everyday use, we also design orthotics for runners . These specialized orthotics are made to endure even more rigorous activities.


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